Thursday, October 11, 2012

Busy, Busy!

What a busy season! So far we have swapped out the original equipment Yokohamas on our Chrysler Town & Country for a set of Goodyear Eagle LS2s, and look forward to finding out how they handle this winter. We have put nearly a thousand miles on the Eagles so far in a combination of wet and dry conditions, in both city and highway driving, and have been very pleased so far. To get the maximum fall experience we attended the Fall Bug Run at our local drag-strip, and ventured to the Double JJ Ranch for their Yee-Haw for Fall festival. With the temperature dropping by the day, stay tuned for our first test drives, and product reviews! In the mean time, try to get out there and enjoy the new season, hope to see you out on the road!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Welcome to My Family Car!

This site will focus on all areas of family transport. We will be driving the cornerstones of family transit, namely, the minivan, wagon, crossover, and sedan. We are following the never ending stream of family car news, and will do our best to keep you up to date on both the newest vehicles, and regulations. In addition, we hope to sneak in some wheel time in what we like to refer to as the second car, the one that you take to work, to date night, to anywhere you may go without needing 7 seatbelts, and room for an entire t-ball teams equipment. We are eager to LATCH our car seats into any and every vehicle type that will hold them. You will also find reviews of products to make travel more enjoyable, roadtrip suggestions, and other family essentials. We hope to show how mobile technology can be integrated into moving the kids from a to b, or here to timbuktu to everyone's benefit. We have some big goals, and even bigger dreams (Route 66 by Winnebago or Ferrari, spring to mind). Everybody buckle up, and away we go, we hope you enjoy the journey as much as we do!